Access Levels

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The Support Plan is designed to span across multiple practitioners and services therefore a key part of setting up a new Support Plan is to define permissions and access levels;

  1. who will be involved;
  2. what their ‘role’ will be; and
  3. what their Access Level is.

Any participant with edit access to the Support Plan can set the Access Level and determine who can view and edit the plan based on the type of particpants they are. This is usually the Key Participant. The Key Participant can always Edit and View the Support Plan

There are four access levels:

Access Level:

  1. Key Participant Edit: Only the key participant can edit the support plan, only active participants can view.
  2. Private: Only active participants can view and edit the support plan
  3. Limited View: Active participants can view and edit support plan, other can see basic plan information
  4. View: Everyone can view support plan but only active participants can edit