SCTT Forms Overview

The SCTT templates are all replicated in the S2S eReferral system so that referrals sent using S2S comply with the requirements set by the Department of Health.
The Department of Health (Victoria) published a Service Coordination Tool Templates User Guide 2009 which breaks the SCTT forms down into core, optional and supplementary templates.
Core Templates
The diagram below lists the Core SCTT templates required for a Referral on the left (as defined by the Department of Health Victoria) and the orange boxes on the right show the S2S eReferral equivalent of those forms and which step during the Create and Send an eReferral process the forms are completed.
* The S2S Confidential Referral Coversheet contains a tick-box to confirm that client consent has been obtained, and a link to the Consumer Consent to Share Information form. You are not required to send a copy of the consent form to the receiving service unless requested. However, you must ensure that the tick-box is checked otherwise the referral cannot be sent.