
Create a referral

RDNS Receivers

To send a referral to RDNS:

eReferral Feedback Loop

Once you have sent a referral you will receive email notification of Status changes that have been made by the receiving service for your client (refer to Incoming Referrals). Initially they will Acknowledge receipt of your referral and then most likely Allocate the referral to the most appropriate team or individual.

To view the Notes regarding status changes, log in to the system and Search for the referral (see Search for Referral). The Referral ID number is in the email.


SCTT Forms Overview

The SCTT templates are all replicated in the S2S eReferral system so that referrals sent using S2S comply with the requirements set by the Department of Health.

The Department of Health (Victoria) published a Service Coordination Tool Templates User Guide 2009 which breaks the SCTT forms down into core, optional and supplementary templates.


Allocate an eReferral

For Referral or Service Coordinators only

  1. Click on a referral with a status of Acknowledged.
  2. Click Allocate
  3. Select either an Individual Practitioner OR a Role to allocate the referral to.
  4. Add Notes for the sender how you plan to deal with the referral.
  5. Click Save.

Step 2.2: Coversheet

This is a core form that contains required fields.

Regardless of whether you have your own way of producing completed SCTT forms to add as attachments, this coversheet must be filled out. To fill out the coversheet, select the second option of the left hand vertical menu panel.

The current status details of the Coversheet will show you if the referral is a DRAFT (it will be if it’s a newly created referral), or a status of a sent/received referral.

The following sections of the Coversheet are required:


Create & Send an eReferral


There are three main steps when creating an S2S referral, however there are variables with each referral – such as which SCTT forms need to be completed.  The diagram below shows you the three main steps and highlights some of the variables.  The remainder of this section details how to complete each step.

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