Step 2.2: Coversheet
This is a core form that contains required fields.
Regardless of whether you have your own way of producing completed SCTT forms to add as attachments, this coversheet must be filled out. To fill out the coversheet, select the second option of the left hand vertical menu panel.
The current status details of the Coversheet will show you if the referral is a DRAFT (it will be if it’s a newly created referral), or a status of a sent/received referral.
The following sections of the Coversheet are required:
1. Priority level of the referral
» Low: During peak demand, low should be selected.
» Routine: Referrals with a priority of routine will be attended to in date order.
» Urgent: Urgent suggests that the client cannot wait.
» Renewal (ACAS): This option is for ACAS assessments only.
2. Information Access Level of the referral
» Standard: The referral information can be accessed with client consent.
» Limited: Only the referral event may be accessed with client consent as the details are hidden. Users can search for the referral with client consent. They can see that a referral occurred, but cannot open it.
» Sender /Receiver Only: Only the sender and receiver can see that the referral has occurred. Any other user trying to access the referral will not find a record of it.
3. Consent
To send the eReferral, you must have gained consent from the client. You can download the consumer consent to share tool template from the Coversheet and ask the client to sign it so that you may file the form as evidence.
4. Feedback Required
This box is pre-ticked by default. You will continue to receive feedback about this referral after it has been accepted. Un-tick this box if you do not wish to receive feedback.
5. Referral Notes
Record any notes as part of the referral, such as the purpose of the referral. One sentence will suffice.