
Receive an eReferral


Once a referral has been sent, the referral comes into the receiving agency’s queue of referrals for processing either by a Referral or Service Coordinator. All incoming referrals will appear on the Incoming Referrals tab – which will usually be your ‘Home’ page.

If you are not a Referral or Service Coordinator, you will only see incoming referrals that have been allocated either directly to you, or to all staff members who have the same role as you.


eReferral Status History

After a referral has been sent or received, you can check its status using the Status History tab.

This will give you a list of actions that have occurred on a referral.

History Tab Screen-shot

Print an eReferral

To print ONE section of the referral

  1. Click on the section you want from the left hand vertical menu panel.
  2. Click Print from the Action Button Bar and select printer as normal.

To print the WHOLE referral (recommended)

  1. Select the Compressed View tab.
  2. Click Print from the Action Button Bar and select printer as normal.

Step 1: Select Client

The first step is to select a client ... and it all starts with a Search!

Before creating a new referral you need to run a SEARCH to check if the client is already on the S2S system.  It's important to do this so that multiple records aren't created for the same person.

If you can't find your client, you need to add them (refer to Step 1b: Add New Client).


Create & Send an eReferral


There are three main steps when creating an S2S referral, however there are variables with each referral – such as which SCTT forms need to be completed.  The diagram below shows you the three main steps and highlights some of the variables.  The remainder of this section details how to complete each step.

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