Frequently Asked Questions

- Computer vulnerabilities - Protection against Spectre and Meltdown
- What are the Support Desk hours of operation?
- Can I reset my own password?
- I can not log in as my account has been locked. Why is this and what should I do?
- How do we register our Agency or Service on the eReferral system?
- My organisation uses the eReferral system, how do I gain access?
- What are the different roles within eReferral?
- I was registered on s2s but have been on leave, how do I reinstate my access to the eReferral system?
- I have changed jobs and would like to remove myself from my old organisation and register under the new organisation. How do I do this?
- When I log in to s2s I get the message “your details have been successfully set up in the system, but it appears you have not yet been given a role, contact support”. What does this mean?
- How do I reset my password or get a new password?
- When resetting my password, I get the message “That email address is associated with multiple accounts”. What does this mean?
- How do I determine which role/service I am logged in as?
- I have multiple roles, can I switch between them without logging out?
- How do I change my name and contact details?
- Can I change my home page or how referrals are displayed in S2S?
- Can I change my username?
- How can I gain access to the eReferral demo sites?
- I have previously received email notifications, however although my colleagues are still receiving them, I am not. What does this mean?
- I am not able to view new referrals on my ‘Incoming’ page
- I have received notifications for clients that I am not a case manager for. What should I do?
- Can we request that sending services complete specific SCOTT templates before they send the referral?
- What referrals appear on the OPEN page?
- What referrals appear on the SENT page?
- What referrals appear on the DRAFT page?
- When should I close a referral?
- I cannot find the service in the receivers list, what should I do?
- My service received a referral error. What should I do?
- Why do I need to save my work regularly?
Q. Computer vulnerabilities - Protection against Spectre and Meltdown
A. In recent weeks there has been some publicity relating to two computer vulnerabilities, known as Spectre and Meltdown. These vulnerabilities relate to computer processor hardware, and almost all modern computers, as well as tablets and smart phones are vulnerable. Further details can be found at /
The vulnerabilities, if not mitigated, can allow sensitive data on processor chips to be read. The three big bugs in Intel, AMD and ARM chips could let malware or other intruders steal data from the core of the operating system (for Intel-based systems) or from other applications (for all devices). Despite the breadth of the issue, none of these vulnerabilities are known to have been exploited in the wild.
Infoxchange, like all online software vendors, are affected by this. We have taken this issue very seriously and began remediating the situation immediately. Due to the fundamental nature of this issue, these vulnerabilities affect all aspects of both our own business operation, and the online applications we provide. This includes our staff laptops, the servers we run our online applications on, and even our networking switches, firewalls, and similar infrastructure.
Globally, software and hardware vendors are releasing firmware and operating system patches to address the vulnerabilities. There has been some reports in the media that these patches may effect computer performance. The reports from other organisations is that it may be barely noticeable for some, while others have noticed large performance decreases. Infoxchange / our applications may be subject to a performance hit as the various workarounds for Meltdown (where the majority of performance impact may occur) and Spectre become available and are applied.
At Infoxchange, we began applying relevant patches as they became available. This is a large task given the size of our technical operations and systems platform. We have taken a risk based prioritisation of this, and have first focussed on perimeter and web facing devices/servers. We are also currently in the process of completing patching business staff Windows laptops, as Microsoft rolls our these patches. To date, Infoxchange engineers have not noticed any material performance impact in our networking and server environments. This situation may change as the cumulative effect of patching all components involved in the provision of our online applications is felt. As part of our general technical operations, we continually monitor and scale our hosting environment to meet the performance requirements of both newly on-boarded and existing customers. To mitigate potential performance impacts from the Meltdown and Spectre patches, we are bringing forward several hardware upgrades.
Rest assured that we will endeavour to offset any localised performance degradation from these patches, with an increase in processing capacity available to any affected applications – in short, we will attempt to mitigate any material performance decreases in our online applications, and we will continue to ensure they are as secure as possible.
Q. What are the Support Desk hours of operation?
A. 8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday.
Q. How do we register our Agency or Service on the eReferral system?
A. If you wish to gain access to the eReferral system for your Agency or Service, please contact the s2s support team on 03 9418 7466 or
Q. My organisation uses the eReferral system, how do I gain access?
A. Please fill in a registration form and have it signed by an authorised person within the organisation. Once completed, please FAX to 03 9486 9344 or e-mail the form to Registrations are usually completed within 24 hours.
The form is available on our website -
Q. What are the different roles within eReferral?
A. The standard roles are Service Coordinator, Referral Coordinator and Practitioner (practitioner can be renamed to suit specific agency requirements, such physio, dietician etc where there is a need to allocate to separate groups/roles within the service).
See here for a description of roles;
Q. I was registered on s2s but have been on leave, how do I reinstate my access to the eReferral system?
A. Please fill in a registration form and have it signed by an authorised person within the organisation. Once completed, please FAX to 03 9486 9344 or e-mail the form to Registrations are usually completed within 24 hours.
The form is available on our website -
Q. I have changed jobs and would like to remove myself from my old organisation and register under the new organisation. How do I do this?
A. In order to make changes to the services you access, we require an authorised registration form from both your previous manager and your new one. The previous manager will request to have you removed and the new manager will request to have you added. However, you will be able to use your existing username and password. You can find the user registration form on the s2s website here
Q. When I log in to s2s I get the message “your details have been successfully set up in the system, but it appears you have not yet been given a role, contact support” What does this mean?
A. You may be using the wrong login page, please go to our website and chose the correct one from the list on the right hand side of the page -
Should this not resolve the issue you may not been placed in a service within the eReferral systems or your role has been removed. For further assistance please contact the s2s support team on 03 94187466
Q. How do I reset my password or get a new password?
A. You can reset your own password by pressing the ‘I’ve forgotten my password’ link which is located below the username and password fields on the login page.
NB. Should you share an email address for S2S and the email address is not “unique” to you, please contact the s2s support team on 03 94187466 or
Q. When resetting my password, I get the message “That email address is associated with multiple accounts” What does this mean?
A. The email address entered is linked to two or more other user accounts, therefore, you will not be able to reset your own password.
Please contact the s2s support team on 03 94187466 or
Q. I can not log in as my account has been locked. Why is this and what should I do?
A. If there have been more than 5 attempts to login with the wrong credentials (username &/or password), your account will be locked as a security measure. If you have a unique email address (do not share it with anyone else) please click on the link "Forgot my password". Otherwise please contact the s2s support team on 03 94187466 or who will reset your password for you.
Q. How do I determine which role/service I am logged in as?
A. Your current role is displayed along with the agency and service name below your name in the top right hand corner of the screen.
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Q. I have multiple roles, can I switch between them without logging out?
A. Yes, simply hover your mouse over your name in the top right hand corner of the screen, and click on ‘switch role’. This will take you back to the page seen when you first log in, enabling you to select a new role to view.
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Q. How do I change my name and contact details?
A. To change your personal information, hover your cursor over your name in the top right corner of the screen (once you’ve logged in) and select ‘preferences’ from the drop down list.
Then click on the relevant blue hyperlink (change my name or phone, email address or password). Click on Save.
NB. Any changes made will not take effect until the next time you login.
Q. How do I change my home page or how referrals are displayed in S2S?
A. Hover your cursor over your name in the top right corner of the screen (once you’ve logged in) and select ‘preferences’ from the drop down list.
Under “User Preferences” click on the black arrow to reveal the choices for Home Page or any other of the options available. Click on Save.
NB. Any changes made will not take effect until the next time you login.
Q. Can I change my username?
A. This can only be done by the s2s support team. Please contact us on 03 94187466 or
Q. How can I gain access to the eReferral demo sites?
A. The demo sites are only available for registered users and do not use your username or password.
For access please contact us on 03 94187466 or
Q. I have previously received email notifications, however although my colleagues are still receiving them, I am not. What does this mean?
A. Please check your spam or junk email folder. If you still can not locate them, contact the s2s support team on 03 94187466 or with your username and that of your colleague.
Q. I am not able to view new referrals on my ‘Incoming’ page
A. This will depend on your role and the way the service is set up.
If there are staff with Referral or Service Coordinator roles in this service, then they are the only ones able to view NEW INCOMING referrals, until it is ALLOCATED by them to someone with a normal role (i.e. practitioner).
If there are no Coordinators roles in the service, then all NEW INCOMING referrals will appear on the Incoming page for all users.
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NB. Once a referral has been processed and is no longer New or Acknowledged, it will move to the OPEN page.
All referrals less than 12 months old are always displayed in Service Records.
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Q. I have received notifications for clients that I am not a case manager for. What should I do?
A. It is possible that the client’s case manager has been removed from the s2s system. Therefore, all notifications for this client will be sent to all remaining case managers in the service so it is not lost.
Q. Can we request that sending services complete specific SCOTT templates before they send the referral?
A. Yes, this can be set up along with any other requests that the receiving service requires.
Please contact the s2s support team on 03 94187466 or
Q. What referrals appear on the OPEN page?
A. Regardless of your role, the Open list shows all referrals in your service that have a status other than ‘new’, ‘closed’ or ‘withdrawn’.
Q. What referrals appear on the SENT page?
A. This list shows all active (not closed) referrals that you have sent and which you should be paying attention to.
When an active referral is acknowledged or updated by the receiving service and the sender clicks on ‘Acknowledged Feedback’, the referral is temporarily removed from the page.
It will re-appear the next time its status is updated.
All referrals less than 12 months old are always displayed in Service Records.
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Note: The client is still your responsibility until the receiving service takes up the referral.
Q. What referrals appear on the DRAFT page?
A. These are the referrals that have been started but haven’t yet been completed and sent. You should either complete and send these referrals, or discard them.
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Q. When should I close a referral?
A. You should close a referral to indicate to the sending service that you have finished providing the requested service. Closing the referral with notes also completes the referral history for future service providers.
Q. I cannot find the service in the receivers list, what should I do?
A. If it is not listed in your Top 10 providers select the Browse tab and click on the appropriate Region and Agency arrows to reveal the services for that provider.
Should it not be in either list it is not an S2S service, however eReferral can send the referral to this service as a fax.
Q. My service received a referral in error. What should I do?
A. Process the referral as normal but select the Refer Back option from the drop down list.
Then add the appropriate notes and click save. This will close the referral, remove it from your Incoming page and return it to the sender.
Q. Why do I need to save my work regularly?
A. For the security & privacy of clients’ information all data is only stored on our servers not on your PC. The data is only saved to the server when you click on save or send.
Should there be an interruption to your internet connection, any data entered into a referral up until the last time you pressed “save as draft” may be lost.
In addition S2S automatically logs off after 2 hours of inactivity (data is not saved at this point) so clicking on “Saved As Draft” will alert our servers that you are working on a referral. This effectively extends the time for another 2 hours.