User Roles

Depending on your level of access, the screens in this manual may look a little different. Users will have more or less functions available to them depending on what is required to undertake their position.
General Users
General users of the system will be given a title such as Practitioner, Case Manager or one reflecting their job title. The default name is ‘Practitioner’.
Users with this level of access;
- Receive referrals
- Get allocated referrals by the Referral Coordinator or Service Coordinator
- Send referrals
Service Coordinator
This is a mid-level co-ordination role. Service Coordinators can only view and process incoming referrals for the one service they are logged into.
Users with this level of access;
- Receive all incoming referrals on behalf of a service
- Allocate referrals to other users within the same service
- Send referrals
Referral Coordinator
This is the top-level co-ordination role for an organisation. Referral Coordinators can view and process referrals across multiple (or all) services.
Users with this level of access;
- Receive all incoming referrals for all services they have this role in / the organisation
- Allocate referrals to other users within the receiving service
- Send referrals